Pure THC Distillate Gummy Bears are made with 100% pure THC Distillate. Each bag contains 10 gummy bears, making microdosing and dosing easy! Each bear has 10mg of THC Distillate. Gummy Bears contains 10 gummy bears, Each Gummy bear has 10mg of THC Distillate. Gummy Bears is great for pain relief, and also to get a good night’s sleep.
THC Distillate is both taste and odor free. So now you can dose discreetly anytime you like, plus they are super tasty!
*Please note, due to the heat during the summer months, there is a risk that this item could melt in transit. If you order this product to be shipped, you are doing so with this knowledge and no refunds will be offered.
Eating pot is very different than smoking it, with an edible high taking up to 90 minutes to hit and lasting much longer than a smoking high. Edibles typically give three to four hours of peak stonedness, compared to an hour or two from smoking. If you’re looking for a quick-hitting high that’s gone in a couple hours, stick with smoking.
In the past, getting a precise dose of edible pot was complicated, if not impossible. Previously, edible marijuana popularly took the form of pot brownies, in which the THC followed the butter, to be spread among the batch willy-nilly: One brownie might be weak, another could be strong, and who knows the strength of the pot that went into the butter in the first place? But thanks to advances made in the medical marijuana sector, getting a precise dosage of edible THC is now totally doable.
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